Arvin Sango Wetland Mitigation
Arvin Sango, Inc. | Madison, IN

Due to industry demands, Japanese car parts manufacturer Arvin Sango needed help expanding their current operations into an area featuring a stream and forested wetland.
We provided wetland mitigation and monitoring services to Arvin Sango, a Burke client since 2007, in support of their manifold assembly building expansion project.
Project work included:
- Facility expansion impacting forested wetland and stream
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers individual permit coordination
- Restoration and enhancement of rare wetland type at Chelsea Flatwoods Nature Preserve
- Hydrology and native vegetation restoration
- Regulatory agency and shareholder coordination
Burke’s team restored hydrology and native vegetation to a degraded early successional forested area. Arvin Sango funded a 19.3-acre native vegetation restoration and enhancement project of a unique and rare wetland type at the Chelsea Flatwoods Nature Preserve in Jefferson County, Indiana.
Additionally, Burke’s environmental resource specialists established a partnership between the Nature Conservancy and Arvin Sango.