NEPA Document Preparation
Burke has developed and documented state-wide categorical exclusion environmental studies that meet the guidelines of the National Environmental Policy Act. The environmental services are in accordance with the Procedure Manual for Preparing Environmental Documents, and the Indiana Department of Transportation Environmental Services’ Categorical Exclusion Manual.
To prepare these types of documents, Burke environmental specialists review available reference material for the project site. Then we conduct a site investigation to confirm reference material and photograph and note potential hazardous waste sites, karst features, wetland/“Waters of the U.S.” areas, potential historic structures, and natural features.
Burke’s environmental team has completed and obtained approval for the following categorical exclusion documents:
- Haw Creek Trail Extension
- Clifty Trail Extension
- Old Salem Road Reconstruction
- Lewis and Clark Trail
- Cedar Lake Safe Routes to School Sidewalk Installation
- Westenedge Drive Improvements
- Carr Hill Road Reconstruction